
How to Install Shinobi on Raspberry Pi

This article is written under the tests of Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi Zero. Other models may be applicable aswell.

If other models do not function with these steps please install "Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit)". All stable versions before the last update of this article are expected to run Shinobi.

You may need to connect a monitor and keyboard to your Raspberry Pi for the Installation. Once completed they can be removed.

1. Download the SD Card Image

2. Write to your SD Card using Etcher . Etcher supports macOS, Windows, and Linux.

3. Insert Card into RPi, and power on the device.

4. Pi will initiate and may require a reboot during this process. When it's complete it will require setting a Username and Password.

5. Login to the terminal with the Username and Password you have set for the Pi.

Raspberry Pi Zero owners will need to enable WiFi with the configuration tool sudo raspi-config​ . If you are using Ethernet you may plug it in now.

Now you can move onto enabling SSH. If you prefer to not use SSH you may skip this portion and go straight to installing Shinobi.

This portion assumes you have direct access to the Pi via a monitor and keyboard. This section was partially cited from

1. Open the Raspberry Pi Configuration Tool in the terminal window . Run the following.

sudo raspi-config

2. Select Interfacing Options

3. Navigate to and select SSH

4. Choose Yes then Select Ok

5. Choose Finish.

1. Run Ninja Installer on the Raspberry Pi Terminal.

sudo su
sh <(curl -s

2. Select Ubuntu Touchless . After Installation it will be running on port 8080 by default.

  • You may be asked to Disable IPv6 during the installation. If you don't know, you can choose to Disable it to ensure connectivity over IPv4. It will reset to its original state upon rebooting the Pi. This only happens during installation.

3. When the installation is complete, Open your web browser and navigate to http://YOUR_RPI_IP_ADDRESS:8080/super . Login to to your Superuser account to create the first Admin account.

  • Default Superuser : [email protected]
  • Default Superuser Password : admin
  • YOUR_RPI_IP_ADDRESS is your Raspberry Pi's IP Address
  • Ensure that /super is at the end of the web address to enter the Superuser panel.
  • Login Screen has a Green Hue to indicate you are at the correct login screen.
  • Remember to change the Superuser credentials in the Preferences tab.

4. After creating this account login at the main login page http://YOUR_RPI_IP_ADDRESS:8080/

  • Note that /super is not part of the web address for logging in to manage the cameras.
  • Login Screen has a Blue Hue to indicate you are at the correct login screen.
  • Use the credentials you created in the Superuser panel.


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