
Where are Shinobi Logs?

There are three kinds of logs that occur in Shinobi. Learn about System, Monitor and User logs to help you understand and troubleshoot your Shinobi CCTV system.

These logs tell us about internal errors or diagnostic information. They are accessed through Terminal or the Superuser panel (red dashboard) .

You may see them through terminal like so. You may need to become root if you dont see any information about Shinobi.

pm2 logs --lines 100

These logs tell us about internal errors or diagnostic information.

You can make these logs more informative by adding the following snippet to line 2 of your conf.json


Additionally if you want the logs to start showing stacktraces you can add


Here is a quick way to restart Shinobi and begin viewing a fresh log stream. This command only works as root. You may need to add sudo if using another user.

pm2 flush && pm2 restart camera && pm2 logs

These logs tell us about the Monitor Processes, like FFmpeg errors and warnings or when the Monitor has started or updated.

via the Global Log Stream

  • Dashboard v2 (the grey dashboard) : Click the Triangle icon in the top right corner.
  • Dashboard v3 (the blue dashboard) : Click the Logs tab in the left side menu.

via the Monitor Stream window

  1. Open the Monitor Stream
  2. Click the Triangle icon on the stream window to reveal the temporary log stream.
  3. The log stream pane may appear blank if your camera is operating as expected.
  4. To see information appear in the log stream just open the Monitor Settings and Save it to restart the internal processing. You will see startup notices appear.

via the Monitor Settings window

  1. Set the toggle from Simple to Advanced in the bottom right corner.
  2. Scroll down to the Logging section.
    • It will stream logs to this window while the Monitor Settings window is open.

These logs are not saved by default. You can enable saving them by toggling the Monitor Settings window to Advanced in the bottom right corner then scrolling down to the Logging section and set it to save to Logs. You can leave the Log level as Warning. Once set these Logs will appear along side your User Logs .

This information will show you about who has logged in to your group or information about connected apps associated to the account.

  • Dashboard v2 (the grey dashboard) : Click your username in the top left to reveal the menu, then click Logs.
  • Dashboard v3 (the blue dashboard) : Click the Logs tab in the left side menu.

Here you can find information about failures in the client side.

These logs are only available on browsers that offer the Developer Console. Usually this is only available on PC or Mac versions of browsers.

  • Chrome : Click the Menu button on the bar in the top right. Then click "More Tools > Developer tools".
  • Firefox : Click the Menu button on the bar in the top right. Then click "More Tools > Browser Console".
  • Edge : Click the Menu button on the bar in the top right. Then click "More Tools > Developer tools".
  • Safari : This is a little more complicated. See here for details (Unaffiliated)


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