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How to setup Email Notifications in Shinobi

Shinobi uses Nodemailer for a few things.
  1. Open your Account Settings
  2. Navigate to your Email section and populate the necessary settings.
  3. Save. Now it should be active.
  • You should now have the option enabling 2-Factor Authentication in your Account Settings.
  • In your Monitor Settings for each Monitor you will need to enable Notifications if you want to receive Emails about that Monitor.
  • Please keep in mind that the Email engine in Shinobi uses Nodemailer . For detailed usage you will need to refer to their documentation. If you cannot figure out what the issue is please make a post on the forum or in the community chat.

We recommend that you create a new Gmail account and use that for the Email settings.

You can do this two ways. Directly modifying conf.json in your terminal view or logging in to a Superuser account from the web interface. In both cases you will see your conf.json file. It should already have some sample fillings for a mail object. Which may appear as follows.

    "service": "gmail",
    "auth": {
        "user": "[email protected]",
        "pass": "your_password_or_app_specific_password"

Once modified you can then restart Shinobi to apply the changes.

The mail object in conf.json is the object used to initiate Nodemailer . So you can follow along on Nodemailer's website on how to use it .

    "service": "gmail",
    "auth": {
        "user": "[email protected]",
        "pass": "your_password_or_app_specific_password"

The above is a snippet of the mail object in conf.json with some sample Gmail settings. user should be changed to reflect the sender (mail-out) email. If you have  2-Step Verification enabled you will need to create an App Specific Password for Gmail to use in the pass option.

The receiver address is the Admin account for each group. You will have created your account in the Superuser panel with an Email Address. This is where your Notifications and 2-Factor Authentication pin codes will be sent.


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